Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lack of Interest

Nothing is out right now in the theater. In between an 11 year old causing controversy for hacking apart bad guys and a 3-D remake of Clash of the Titans, I'll be watching Netflix for a while longer. Or try "Treme" on HBO- it's fantastic.

I currently have : La Guerre est Finie, La Bataille du Rail, and Distant Journey from Netflix. Last week I watched "Angels in America" and "In Vanda's Room."

Angels in America
Directed by: Mike Nichols
Starring: Meryl Streep, Al Pacino, Emma Thompson, Patrick Wilson, Mary Louise Parker, Justin Kirk, and Jeffrey Wright

One of the most complex pieces of movie-making I have seen in a while, rife with symbolism and metaphor, it is as elegant a picture of the United States as I have ever seen. The movie is wonderfully written, although, clearly written for the stage by Tony Kushner. The writing is cerebral, witty, and just plain good. Combine the quality of writing with the actors that star in this piece and it becomes quite clear that all Nichols would have had to do is sit back and make sure everything is within the frame.

I really cannot come up with anything else to add to this. If you have six hours, watch this movie.

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